The Photo Collection of the Ceremony of Inviting the Golden Statue of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni on March 25th, 2013
The Photo Collection of the Ceremony of Inviting the Golden Statue of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro) to establish in Song Phi Nong Royal Temple, Suphanburi province on Monday March 25th, 2013
Summer Novice Ordination Ceremony in Paris, France
Dhammakaya Paris temple arranged the 5th Summer Novice Ordination Ceremony on July 18, 2010.
The Photo Collection of the Ceremonies of Circumambulating and Bowing Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya on July 13th, 2013
ค่าย V-Star Thailand 3
ชมรมพุทธศาสตร์สากล ในอุปถัมภ์สมเด็จพระมหารัชมังคลาจารย์ จัดโครงการค่ายพัฒนาศักยภาพผู้นาเยาวชนต้นแบบด้านศีลธรรมระดับประเทศ "V-Star Thailand 3"
The Dattajeevo Maha Cetiya: Commemorating Most Venerable Phrarajbhavanajarn’s 74 Birthday
The Photo Collection of The Sand Tossing and Initial Pile Driving Ceremony for the construction of “The Dattajeevo Maha Cetiya” on Sep. 21, 2557 at Kanchanaburi Youth Training Center, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
We went to persuade men to ordain at the market in Bangpu Industrial Estate
The letter of the Most Ven. Phrathepyanmahamuni's disciple who went to persuade men to ordain at the market in Bangpu Industrial Estate
Maha Kathina Ceremony 2012
Maha Kathina Ceremony 2012 at Dhammakaya Temple. The ceremony in this year is very special because we celebrate the "Buddha Jayanti."
The 5th Pubbapeta Bali Ceremony
The 5th Pubbapeta Bali Ceremony at Dhammakaya Temple
The 2nd Japanese Dhammadayada Ordination Project
Great Offering in Southern Thailand: 15th Alms Offering to 10,000 International Monks in Hat Yai